Wilson Just Words
curriculum is a highly explicit, multisensory decoding and spelling program for
students in grades 4-12 who have mild to moderate gaps in their decoding and
spelling proficiency but do not require intensive intervention. IM 372.4144 WIL
Wilson Fundation
Kits Levels K-3
are multi-level kits that make learning to read fun while laying down the
groundwork for life-long literacy. It is
a research-based program that thoroughly teaches the foundational skills of the
Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and significantly supports other CCSS
standards in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language. Level K focuses on letter formation, print knowledge,
alphabetic awareness, and phonological and phonemic awareness training (IM 372.4144 WIL); Level 1builds on Level K and progresses further into the
study of word structures and reinforces letter formation, print knowledge,
alphabetic awareness, and phonological and phonemic awareness training (IM 372.4144 WIL); Level 2 builds on Level 1 and increases learning more
complex word structure for decoding and encoding and also works on fluency,
vocabulary and comprehension skills (IM372..4144 WIL); and Level 3 builds on Level 2 reinforcing the word analysis and
vocabulary development with new skills which include: writing in cursive, and further development of
fluency, comprehension, decoding and spelling skills (IM 372.4144 WIL).
The Daily Five: Fostering Literacy and Independence in the Elementary Grade, Second edition
Based on literacy learning and motivation research, the Daily Five is a series of literacy tasks which students complete daily while the teacher meets with small groups or confers with individuals. This 200 page book not only explains the philosophy behind this structure, but also shows how to train students in each of the daily five components (reading to self, reading with someone, writing, word work, and listening to reading). 372.6 BOU
The CAFE Book: Engaging all Students in Daily Literacy assessment and Instruction
The authors present a practical, simple way to integrate assessment into daily reading and classrooom discussion. The CAFE system is an acronym for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expand Vocabulary. 372.6046 BOU
The Daily 5 Alive!: Strategies for Literacy Independence
This 85 minute professional development DVD and companion CD-ROM provide fourteen segments of video taken in a K-2 multiage classroom. Designed to help teachers implement three daily literacy practices from the "Daily 5" tasks, including reading to self, reading to someone and working on writing. A companion CD-ROM includes the viewing guide with workshop suggestions, focus questions and PDF handouts. IE 372.6 BOU
Intermediate daily 5: Fostering Independent Literacy Learning in Grades 3-6
This 114 minute professional development DVD provides 12 segments of video taken in grade 3-6 classrooms. It includes lessons for each of the five program components from the "Daily 5" program. Other sections include coaching sessions with teachers, discussions of the needs of older learners and more. A companion CD includes the viewing guide for the DVD. IE 372.6 BOU
Call the SERC Library or log in to your SERC Library account to reserve the kits or DVDs to pick up and drop off at the SERC Library. The books can be reserved through your town library to pick up and drop off there (via InterLibrary Loan service)!
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SERC Library New Acquisitions 2014
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