Thursday, December 11, 2014

  The SERC Library has a new display for a wintry day!

Browse the new display in the library when you visit the library or explore items with these links:

CHILLY DAY....CREATIVE PLAY - Borrow these resources at SERC Library

FROSTY FUN - Borrow these resources from SERC through your town library!

Using InterLibrary Loan, you can now request these items on the Frosty Fun List from your local library  using your public library card  or online through the iConn website. You pick up and return them at your local library. 

Click here for further information



Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Interlibrary Loan Service is now available at SERC Library!



Interlibrary Loan Service makes it possible for you to borrow books from the SERC Library directly through your town library. SERC Library loans books via ILL in these following collections: Professional Books, Family Books,Young Peoples Books and Archive Books. We are also able to obtain journal articles from other CT libraries. You may borrow up to three books from each of these collections. 

We are unable to loan DVDs, Inservice Education materials,  instructional kits (IM) or test kits (T) through Interlibrary loan.
The SERC Library catalog is the place to start! Here's how it works ...

Please have your public library card and a notepad handy. 

Log on to Search the SERC Library catalog for the types of items we do loan through ILL.  When you find a book of interest, note the title, author, and edition.

Now, either 
  • Log on to Enger the title of the resource into the "Find Books..." SEARCH field; click the COMBINED SEARCH button.  When the item record appears, click the title, then the REQUEST THIS ITEM  button.  Tor proceed with your request, enter your PATRON ID (your public library card number), OR
  • Contact your public library and provide them with the title and author of interest; they will process your request.

1. When you see a book of interest, note the title and author.

2. Search for the book on the iConn website and click on the tab REQUEST THIS ITEM. Enter your town public library card number, or 

3. Contact the InterLibrary Loan librarian in your town public library, provide the title and they will make the request for you.

In each case, you would pick up and drop off resources at the library where you placed the request. It will take a few days to be delivered. Your loan period is three weeks.

If you are affiliated with a university you can also make a request through your university library.

To print a copy of these directions, click here:



  SERC Library Catalog  


To view public library collections across the state, search:


iConn - CT's research engine

    Please contact the SERC Library if you need any assistance with your request. Please share this blog post with your colleagues, friends and families. If you are not already a member, please become a SERC Library member today! Membership is free.  

 SERC Library Membership Form

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Two upcoming sessions on math offered by SERC!


Math Instruction for Struggling Math Learners

Wednesday, December 10, 2014 and Thursday, January 22, 2015
9 am - 3:30 pm

This professional learning opportunity will introduce teachers to best practices in math instruction specifically aimed at struggling math learners.  It will examine some of the research-based practices in detail and show how they align with the CT Core Standards for Mathematics.

For more information or to register, go to:
Math Instruction for Struggling Math Learners

Math for English Language Learners (K-5)

Wednesdayw,2/15/15 and 3/25/15 
9:00am - 3:30 pm

Join us for a two day workshop which addresses key issues for ELLs such as language acquisition principles, appropriate scaffolding of content, assessment protocols, and effective use of technology in an effort to maintain rigorous, standards-aligned instruction. 

Participants will learn specific math instructional strategies that provide the necessary supports to ensure ELL students understand and are able to apply appropriate math content.

For more information or to register, go to  
Math for English Language Learners (K-5)

Please visit the SERC Library catalog online to view books and instructional materials on these topics: 
 SERC Library Catalog

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Two-day Literacy Sessions Offered by SERC!

Reading Comprehension and Close Reading for All
12/04/14, Thursday and 1/09/15, Friday
9:00 am - 3:30 pm 
Grades K-12; General and Special Education Teachers and ELL/ESL Teachers

Students with reading disabilities need certain tools when navigating grade-level content. This two-day learning opportunity will demonstrate the discrete skills that expert readers possess and methods for teaching these skills in order to raise student achievement, especially for struggling readers and students with disabilties. Participants will better understand how to engage students in the close reading of complex texts. 
For more information or to register, go to:
Reading Comprehension and Close Reading for All 

Navigating Complex Informational Texts in the Age of the Common Core
12/03/14, Wednesday and 1/10/15, Wednesday
9:00 am - 3:30 pm

This two-day session will demonstrate instructional practices for navigating complex texts as well as examine the connection between a student's reading comprehension and their ability to respond in writing. Participants will help their students meet the anchor standard for reading to "be able to read and comprehend literary and informational texts independently and proficiently; actively read and monitor their understanding; and become a literate person in the 21st century as defined by the Common Core. 
For more information or to register, go to:
Navigating Complex Informational Texts in the Age of the Common Core 

Visit the SERC Library catalog online to explore resources on these topics:
 SERC Library Catalog

Monday, November 3, 2014

              Science Content Literacy: Grades 6-12

Friday, November 14. 2014 and Wednesday, December 17, 2014   9 am - 3:30 pm

In this two day workshop science educators will learn reading comprehension techniques that will improve outcomes for students, grades 6-12, as well as increase their meaningful participation and achievement in the science content area.  Topics include the authentic use of graphic organizers, content-specific vocabulary activities, science notebooks, and reciprocal teaching strategies; receive an overview of differentiation, gradual release, and inquiry-based instructional models; and better understand the commonalities between literacy comprehension skills and science processing skills.

For more information or to register go to:
Science Content Literacy: Grades 6-12 Registration 

Please visit the SERC Library catalog online to view books and instructional materials on these topics: SERC Library Catalog

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Explore and follow SERC Library on Pinterest! We have 19 boards on education, highlighting some of the library's newest and most popular resources. We hope you will follow us and pin us! 



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

LibGuides are research guides prepared by the SERC Library staff for select SERC conferences and on topics in education.

In the Library Acquisitions 2014 LibGuide, you can view the resources the library has most recently added to our collection.  

Please explore our latest guides at this link and share this information with your colleagues!

SERC Library LibGuides

Common Core State Standards 2014

Library Acquisitions 2014

Bullying and Cyberbullying 2014

Together We Will: Connect Learning Through Technology - 21st Annual Early Childhood Conference - 4/2/14

Educational Apps to Explore!

School Suspensions and Expulsions - 2014 

Paraeducators Conference - 18th Annual Paraeducators as Partners Conference - Partners in Excellene - Nov. 16, 2013 

Bullying and Cyberbullying - 2013

Children and Youth who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Adolescent Literacy 2013

Assisting Children in Crisis to Develop Resiliency LGBTQ Students and Safe Schools - GLSEN Safe Schools Summit 2013

Common Core State Standards and Parents 2014

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

  Candidates' Forum on Disability Issues


All gubernatorial and congressional candidates will be invited. Come hear the candidates present their platforms on disability issues!

Manchester Community College 

Thursday, October 9, 2014
2:30 to 6:30 pm

Keynote Speaker: Joyce Bender, CEO Bender Consulting

A national leader on employment for people with disabilities, and a person with a disability herself, Ms. Bender will be presenting "Employment for People with Disabilities: We Still Need Jobs!"

Sponsored by the Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities with support from the CT Council on Developmental Disabilities, UConn Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and the CT State Independent Living Council and numerous co-sponsors.

For further information, please contact Melissa Marshall at or 860-561-1089

Monday, September 29, 2014

The SERC Library would like to invite children in grades K-4 to read with an assistance dog in the Library! The program is now in its second year here and we would like to welcome new participants. Please forward this post to parents who may be interested. There are coloring activities, toys and snacks for the children. Siblings and friends are always welcome. Please call us today at 860-632-1485 ext. 235 to make a 15 minute appointment for your child! The program is offered monthly. The next date is October 29!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Do you need new information on a topic in education, including evidence-based practices, behavior management strategies, or current research on a specific learning disability? 

Visit the SERC Library online and read full-text articles in our extensive research databases. 
You can print articles, email them or save them to a flash drive, computer, tablet or smartphone.


Please call the SERC Library if we can assist you in any way!  You need to use the barcode number on your SERC Library card to log in to view full-text articles. If you would like to become a SERC Library member, contact the library or apply online.  MEMBERSHIP IS FREE!   

SERC Library Membership Application

Friday, August 22, 2014

The SERC Professional Development Catalog for 2014-2015 is now available online. Please explore the catalog, especially the last four pages which highlight the SERC Library! Visit the SERC Library to borrow resources on the topics in the SERC Catalog. Books can now be borrowed through your town public library through the statewide Interlibrary Loan service. 

Everyone at SERC hopes you have a great school year!

SERC Professional Development Catalog 2014-2015

Thursday, January 30, 2014

SERC Library News has a new look!

SERC Library News is delivered as a blog which posts library updates to your email inbox. Blog entries will post once or twice a month. If you are not signed up to receive news from the SERC Library, simply add your email address in the email field and confirm this in the email you will receive shortly.  Please share this blog with your colleagues!