Tuesday, December 29, 2015

On Tuesday, December 29th - the Library will be closing at 4:30 pm.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Did you know about the SERC Library Assistive Technology Corner...

Assistive Technology Corner

Want to learn more about assistive technology and how it can help your student or your child? Wish you could test some AT devices before choosing them? Feeling lost with the array of apps?

The State Education Resource Center (SERC) can assist you.
Families and educators are welcome to visit the SERC Library’s Assistive Technology Corner, where they can see the display of low-, mid- and high-tech AT devices, try them out, and learn about the latest research and trends in the field of assistive technology.

In addition to demonstrating the use of the devices, SERC staff can provide information on how to create low-tech AT using everyday materials as well as the importance of AT in accessing, participating in, and progressing in the general education curriculum.  Educators can also reserve the space to conduct AT assessments and use the available AT devices for trials.

For more information and to make appointments for demonstrations of AT, please contact the SERC Library at library@ctserc.org, or call 860-632-1485 x4.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The READ Program is BACK! Wednesday, September 30th 5 pm to 6 pm

Image result for reading education assistance dogs

If you are interested in having your child read to a dog and NOT JUST ANY DOG - a R.E.A.D. registered therapy animals have been trained and tested for health, safety, appropriate skills, and temperament.  When these special animals come to listen to children read, it's fun!  And that makes all the difference.  Their presence creates an environment that is inviting, nonjudgmental, and empowering.    

The R.E.A.D Program is back at the SERC Library!  We will have our first program on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH FROM 5 PM TO 6 PM!

If you are interested in having your child (Grades K-4) participate, please email the SERC Library at circ@ctserc.org or call 860.632-1485 x 235!

In addition to the reading to the dogs, we will also provide opportunity for arts and crafts and snack!  Sign up soon as 'spots' are limited!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Tests and Assessments LibGuide

Check out the latest Tests and Assessments LibGuide by Kristin!

In addition to finding tests and assessments through our catalog and the lists on Library Acquisitions 2015, Current Test and Journal Lists LibGuide, this new LibGuide breaks down the test and assessments list into its broad categories and includes the A to Z listing.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Improved access to the SERC Library catalog in many other languages!

The SERC Library catalog can now be read in other languages. Please let colleagues and parents of students know about this option!

In the upper left of the library catalog home page, you will see a Google translate button. Click there to view all the languages available.

For example, if I search for kindergarten the first book that comes up is "Kindergarten Readiness" by Nancy L. Cappelloni.

 Image result for kindergarten readiness capelloni
Kindergarten disposición 
Przedszkole gotowość

 राज्य शिक्षा संसाधन केंद्र 

 Préparation à la maternelle

استعداد رياض الأطفال / نانسي            

If you click on the item, just select the Translate button in the upper left to read more about the contents of the book. 



Monday, April 13, 2015

Upcoming Family Saturday Event on April 25th at the SERC Library!


For program questions, please contact Barbara Slone, Consultant, at (860) 632-1485, ext. 340 or slone@ctserc.org

To register and for registration questions, please contact Lauren D. Johns, Education Services Specialist, at (860) 632-1485, ext. 256 or johns@ctserc.org

Para registrarse en español, por llame a Leticia Garcia Guerra, al (860) 632-1485, ext. 233 or guerra@ctserc.org

Monday, April 6, 2015

NERA Conference on Teaching Literacy - May 29 and 30

To explore all the children's books and professional resources on literacy available at the SERC Library visit us at the library or online at: SERC Library

Explore our Young Peoples collection! It includes children's literature, nonfiction, multicultural books, bilingual books and disability awareness! 
Explore our books on literacy education! We have books on literacy at all grade levels!

SIGN UP FOR SERC Library membership. We are able to circulate professional books and children's books through Interlibrary Loan service through your town public library. 


Monday, March 30, 2015

Resources from the 22nd Early Childhood Conference and SERC's Early Childhood Resource Center

On March 25, 2015 300 participants attended the conference!
Click here to explore the SERC Library research guide featuring the content of the conference and materials displayed at the library table!
Together We Will: Use a Framework for Social Emotional Success

The SERC Library offers a broad collection of resources that can help teachers and parents work with young children on expressing and understanding their emotions, feelings and actions. Books can now be borrowed via Interlibrary Loan through your town library. Please pick up and drop off DVDs, instructional kits and tests at the SERC Library in Middletown. 

Please visit the SERC ECE Initiative's Web site:
SERC Early Childhood Resource Center: The Best Beginnings Possible

Monday, March 23, 2015

Connecticut Educators: Bookmark the SERC Library Catalog and the iConn Web Link for Educators

iCONN is pleased to offer a web link that consolidates key information about iCONN.org for K- 12 educators. The iCONN Dashboard for Educators is linked from iCONN's classic resource menus for elementary, middle and high schools. Schools can register their IP address so staff do not have to log in every time. 

Resources include specific links for elementary, middle and high schools, Spanish language resources, STEM education information, online literature resources, primary source materials, Common Core resources, newpapers, streaming video and professional development for teachers.

PLEASE VISIT THE SERC LIBRARY CATALOG ONLINE TO SEE ALL WE OFFER TO EDUCATORS! Explore all of the topics listed above. Bring your team to SERC for an overview and tour of the library, to handle curriculum materials and to find differentiated instructional materials for preview or to borrow.

SIGN UP FOR SERC Library membership! You will have access to full-text articles and can borrow resources from the library. We are also able to circulate professional books and children's books through Interlibrary Loan service through your town public library. 

Please call if you need any assistance: 860-632-1485 ext. 4

Monday, March 16, 2015


Meet local authors of resource materials on autism, see assistive technology demonstrations and take a tour of the SERC Library! 

 Assistive Technology (AT): What is it and what can it do for my child?
Questions? Contact Lauren Johns at johns@ctserc.org or 860-632-1485 ext. 256

Questions?  Contact Linda Adorno at adorno@ctserc.org or 860-632-1485 ext. 241 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Link to archive of free webinar on Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) / Dyslexia - March 12, 2015

Did you miss the recent webinar on SLD/Dyslexia at SERC? Or did you see it, but want to share it with a colleage, team member or parent?

Here is the link to the SLD/Dyslexia Webinar handouts that occurred on March 12, 2015:

Click here to explore SERC Library's new research guide:  Specific Learning Disabilities/Dyslexia LibGuide


If you would like to borrow resources listed in this guide or would like assistance in becoming a member or placing a reserve, please visit the library or contact us by phone or email.  
860-632-1485 ext. 4

SERC Library Membership Form
In addition, SERC Library now participates in InterLibrary loan service! You can borrow professional books, Young People's books, Family books and Archive books through InterLibrary loan. Contact your town library and pick up and drop off SERC Library books there!

Monday, March 2, 2015


The SERC Library has several Creative Curriculum resources, including some new editions.  This series provides comprehensive, high quality curriculums and assessment tools for early childhood education programs and family child care programs. Plan, manage and evaluate your program! The DVD is now in both English and Spanish.

Select the link below for the SERC LIBRARY CATALOG and search for creative curriculum. Or you can copy a specific title below, select the link to the SERC Library Catalog and paste the title there to read a detailed description. Please contact the SERC Library if you would like to borrow any of these professional development materials! You can also log in to your SERC Library account if you would like to place a reserve online!

MEMBERSHIP IS FREE! Call, email or sign up online.
The creative curriculum for infants, toddlers and twos, Second edition
Call number: IE 372.19 DOD

The creative curriculum for preschool, Fifth edition

Call number: IE 372.19 DOD 

The creative curriculum for family child care, Second edition

Call Number: IE 362.712 DOD

The creative curriculum for preschool in action!: DVD and user's guide - English and Spanish

Call Number: IE 372.19 DOD

The creative curriculum for preschool - Developmental continuum assessment toolkit for ages 3-5
Call Number: T 727

The creative curriculum for preschool: Implementation checklist 
Call Number: IE 372.21 TEA

Please click here for more information about SERC'S 22nd Annual Early Childhood Conference: TOGETHER WE WILL CONFERENCE:USE A FRAMEWORK FOR SOCIAL EMOTIONAL SUCCESS - MARCH 28, 2015
Don't forget to stop by the SERC Library table at the conference!

860-632-1485 option 4